As workplace wellness programs are becoming more widespread throughout the country, the buzz is catching on. Employees are the most valuable assets to any company. The bottom line of such programs is this: healthy employees tend to be happier and more productive employees. The benefits for employers are obvious. They provide the company with strategic advantages by investing money in a program that will hopefully bring them lowered expenses in return, often in the form of better performing workers, and lower absenteeism and health care costs. By providing workers with these services, companies are improving wellbeing and job satisfaction, as well as raising retention rates. The welfare of employees has a direct impact on the success of the company.

As an employer offering wellness benefits to employees, you want to ensure your program is being utilized to its fullest potential. White Tiger fitness programs offer training for the mind, body and spirit. The use of the program is easily tracked by the rank earned by the employee.

White Tiger also offers Corporate workshops during the workday. Contact our office today to discuss and create a workshop to fit your needs: PERSONAL SAFETY SKILLS, CONFLICT RESOLUTION SKILLS, ADRENAL STRESS RESPONSE, TEAM BUILDING,“I CAN DO IT” EMPOWERMENT, WOMENS SELF DEFENSE

Our Employee Benefits Program is an ideal way to add value added benefits to your Employee Package without cost or effort. Call White Tiger today for a brochure or more information. 919-469-3553.

© Rondy McKee 2024